Frontend developer, javascript programmer is looking for a job

Hi! I'm Maciek - programmer frontend guy developer

I do webpages, apps, games, SEO and more.

If you are looking for someone like me,
you are just looking for me

push the button and let me show you
what I can do for you

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Fullstack / frontend developer, Javascript programmer

I do my stuff for about 19 years, including three years as a team leader of developers in a financial company. Below you can see my favourite things and here you can read more about me: open about me.


About me

Hey! Good to see you. Please keep in mind that this is pretty old page, so some things may be outdated.

I'm Maciek from Warsaw, Poland. Full-stack application developer since 2005.

In my career I was responsible for the maintenance and development of small and huge webpages like or

I did my own JavaScript / jQuery plugins which were available on CodeCanyon.

I made a lot of web, desktop and touch devices apps and games using HTML, CSS, JS and Canvas. Few of them were released for Android and iOS devices, some of them were prepared for a huge touch screens and installed in museums - visitors can read informations about exposition, watch images and play games about given exhibition. In these cases I was responsible also for installing and configuring entire enviroment in museum and workshops for employees to learn them how to lauch and update given app through the CMS (also built by me in PHP and MySQL).

I had written bunch of tests in Cypress and Playwright, once I was responsible for configuring entire test environment using Playwright, Github Actions and external service comparing screenshots.

Technical qualifications

  • Javascript ES6/ES5 (Vanilla, jQuery, Canvas 2D, Vue, React)
    websites, applications and games (with entire engines)
  • CSS (SCSS, Blueprint, Bootstrap, Bulma)
    including games with HTML/CSS based engines
  • Websites optimization
    (e.g. for SEO or Google Insights purposes - just check the result of my own page)
  • NW JS and Cordova
    desktop/mobile games and applications in JS
  • PHP, MySQL, MariaDB
    it is not my main stuff, but I know it enough to build entire websites, systems and applications (I've built almost all of backends for the pages and apps in my portfolio and I've even prepared my own multilanguage CMS which allows to launch really fast pretty big pages)
  • Photoshop, Figma, Adobe XD
  • Jira, Trello, Asana, Redmine
  • Google Sheets API, Google Maps API
  • GIT (Git Flow, GitLab Flow), SVN
  • Twig, Smarty
  • Webpack
  • Gulp
  • Docker
  • Ruby on Rails
    basics. In my last project for the german company it was more comfortable for me to do something by myself instead of idly waiting for backend developer, so I've just learned basics of RoR. Later I was responsible for writing end-to-end tests for entire system.


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